Entering 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th GrADE
weeklY Themes
Each week at Play Frontier summer camp will be a mix of planned themes mixed with following your child’s interests.
Some of the Themes we will be exploring (And so much more):
Forest Fun
Focus: Trees, plants, and forest ecosystems
Nature walks to identify trees and plants
Leaf pressing and tree rubbing crafts
Building small forts or shelters in the woods
Scavenger hunts to find forest creatures and plants
Learning about forest conservation and wildlife
Animal Tracking & Wildlife
Focus: Animals and their habitats
Learning how to track animals by footprints or scat
Birdwatching with binoculars and creating bird feeders
Building animal homes, like birdhouses or bug hotels
Interactive discussions on animal behavior and survival strategies
Nature hikes to observe local wildlife
Water Wonders
Focus: Rivers, and streams
Pond dipping to discover aquatic life (insects, frogs, etc.)
Water filtration experiments
Learning about ecosystems like wetlands and the importance of clean water
Water-based games like water balloon toss
4. Bug Bonanza
Focus: Insects and the small critters that help nature thrive
Insect hunts (with magnifying glasses) to observe bugs up close
Butterfly gardening and making pollinator-friendly plants
Creating bug houses from twigs and cardboard
Crafting bug masks or wings
Learning about the roles insects play in pollination, decomposition, and food chains
5. Survival Skills in Nature
Focus: Learning basic survival skills and outdoor safety
How to build a shelter with natural materials
Fire-making demonstrations (with safety measures, of course)
Knot-tying and basic first aid
Orienteering (using a compass and map) or simple navigation games
Cooking simple meals over a campfire (s’mores, hot dogs, etc.)
6. Nature’s Colors and Patterns
Focus: Exploring the beautiful colors and patterns found in nature
Leaf and flower printing/ painting using natural pigments
Nature scavenger hunts based on colors and patterns (e.g., find something green, something with stripes)
Drawing or painting patterns observed in nature (e.g., animal markings or plant veins)
Creating patterns with natural materials (stones, leaves, sticks)
Studying the role of colors in camouflage and nature’s survival strategies
7. Rock & Soil Science
Focus: Geology, rocks, and soil ecosystems
Rock hunting and learning to identify different types
Soil experiments to understand how different types of soil affect plant growth
Making rock art or gemstone necklaces
Learning how the Earth’s layers work through fun hands-on activities
Studying erosion and how rocks shape landscapes
WhAt to Expect
Play Frontier Summer Camps hope to bring children out into nature during the best season of the year for woodland adventuring - SUMMER! All camps will follow the same daily rhythm, with the freedom to explore and create based on the interests of each group and the weekly theme.
Campers will bring a hearty snack and packed lunch, along with weather appropriate clothing, sturdy outdoor shoes for the theme, backpack, water bottle, and sun protection. Each camp will have it’s unique set of requirements (creek walking needs different things than blackberry bramble bushwhacking), so please consider weather and plan accordingly.
Play Frontier is an “outdoors rain or shine” kind of school. We will be outdoors 100% of the time for camp, please plan and pack accordingly. Restroom facilities and hand washing will be available.